Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Collage of our special day

Here is a collage of pictures of our special day. These are mostly
just our wedding pics. Mikey walked me down the aisle and turned
me over to Don. He looked so handsome to me in his kilt. The big
surprise of the day was my father made it to the wedding with my
sister and her family. Some people even got into the spirit of our
several themes. We had so much fun! I was so thankful to the friend
in the 4th row down that put the food together and let us get married
at their home. We all work together and they deserve a huge amount
of gratitude for making all of our family feel so welcome and for making
Don and I feel so special to everyone. This is not the first time these friends have come through for us. We appreciate all of the love they have sent our way. Even the weather cooperated. It was beautiful! Posted by Picasa

We did it!

We finally got hitched on Aug 19, 2006
at our friends home. It was beautiful!! Posted by Picasa