Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Beginning of Plans for our Wedding-Hotels/Motels

Click the title above for Port Townsend Hotels.

What do you do after knowing each other for over 30 years and find out your feeling are still the same? You GET HITCHED. I was going to use that name for the blog, but someone is apparently using it. So, I just went for simple. Most of us are getting up there in age so I figure we can all remember our names. This link is for some of the hotels and motels in the area. I will try and get a list of the bed and breakfasts and put them on a blog too. We are getting excited, but have a lot to do. We are going to get married at a friends house. Her home is on the water and we will be facing the water and hopefully there will be some sailboats out there and it will be beautiful weather. Her garden should be quite lush by then.

Both sets of kids seem to be okay with that. Our wedding will be sort of informal. We will have a Star Wars, Celtic and Spanishy theme. I would love to have time for the family to be together and to enjoy this beautiful state. I hope that you will be able to share our time together and come up with some ideas for us to do. I will keep you posted on any new information and pictures of where we will be for the wedding. Mikey will walk me down the pathway to Darth Vader's theme song. We just have a different way of looking at what to do for your wedding. It's been a long time for me to say yes to this man. I'm just happy we can be together and that our families will be able to share in our love for each other. More to come....


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